Mission and Values

An influential not-for-
profit organization in
Calgary since 2001.

The Urban Society for Aboriginal Youth has been an influential not-for profit organization in Calgary since 2001. USAY strives to provide essential programming and services to Calgary’s Indigenous youth between the ages of twelve and twenty-nine.



The Urban Society for Aboriginal Youth (USAY) will enrich the lives of all urban Indigenous youth by nurturing self-empowerment and fostering healthy collaboration and communication to ensure healthy future generations.



The Urban Society for Aboriginal Youth (USAY) will be recognized as a fundamental organization in society, empowering urban Indigenous youth to envision and attain a healthy sustainable future while upholding traditional Indigenous values.

USAY’s Values

Urban Society for Aboriginal Youth (USAY) upholds the following core values that assist in providing direction to decision making and relationships within the organization at all levels: governance, operations and membership, including external working relationships with various partners, funding agencies, and the community at-large.

• Traditional Indigenous values and culture;
• Diversity;
• Involvement and commitment of youth leadership in USAY governance;
• Involvement of Indigenous youth at all levels and throughout development of the organization;
• Capable, well-trained and reliable staff;
• Partnerships and collaboration;
• Respect; Adaptability to change that includes resiliency and versatility;
• Accountability; and,
• “Fun” as a teaching value – learning by having fun.

Land Acknowledgement

Research indicates as few as 11% of Indigenous youth graduate from high school in Calgary; however, when Indigenous youth participate in USAY’s programs high school success and completion significantly increases.

Donate to USAY

Help empower urban Indigenous youth to envision & attain a healthy sustainable future.